
Both of them are used to independence, and suddenly it is very uncomfortable to have such a large group of people following them.

Moreover, Junxuan thinks that having so many people following them will restrict their movements. More importantly, they are used to sharing with their animal friends when they eat. If they are seen by these people, will it be strange and will they think that their younger brother is sick?
I feel bad at the thought that these people may look down on my brother Junxuan.
"But the young master handmaiden must follow you or the old lady will punish the handmaiden."
The first servant girl Linger Junxuan and Junlin are two children to coax and coax, so she said before ourtenant.
"But I don’t like you to follow."
Jun Xuan don’t eat this set of a listen to shine said must follow them immediately face down to displeasure said.
When Jun Xuan is happy, a cute face is so cute that anyone can’t help but want to kiss him before, but if he sinks his face, he will have the same momentum as his father Jun Yang.
Although the little guy is still very young, he is full of momentum
"Young master, are the handmaiden doing badly? Please show me."
These people are also waiting on the young master for the first time, and they are afraid that they will not be satisfied with it. When you listen to Jun Xuan, you will not let them follow, and immediately panic and kneel down.
"Since you let me show you, I will say again, don’t follow us. If you are not at ease, you are allowed to follow us far away, but you must be ten feet away from us."
Jun Xuan doesn’t want it to be too difficult. After all, these people are also. He and his brother can follow but don’t get close.
Shine nodded and said it was quickly motioned for the people to follow far away.
A line of people walked towards the kitchen. Although the two little guys have never been to the kitchen, Junlin’s animal friends are all over the kitchen, not to mention the kitchen. Even the treasure house of Junjia can still be easily found by them.
Shine led the maids behind the two little guys and watched them familiar with it and walked in the direction of the kitchen. I couldn’t help secretly wondering at the same time. At the same time, I also lamented that they were not the kui is a gentleman, but they are smarter than others. Chapter 477 Xu Qiang Field [6]
At this time, Jun Lin’s little hand was roaring with meat, and a little ant was salivating while giving them directions, telling them what was delicious in the kitchen, where the chicken was usually put, and how delicious the crystal elbow was. Finally, he offered to lead them the way, hoping that the two brothers could give it a piece of pork hind legs and Jun Lin readily agreed to it.
The little ant seemed more excited and spared no effort to introduce the delicious kitchen to Junlin.
Jun Lin told Jun Xuan what the little ant said while listening.
Jun Xuan nodded while listening. At this time, the kitchen just arrived at Jun Xuan, and he immediately trotted before "What do you want, young master?"
"Go and get a good pork leg and put it next to the ant nest in the garden."
"ah? ……”
"Sister, can’t you understand your brother?" Jun Lin looked at Linger with a naive face. "Brother said that you should take a good pork leg and put it next to the ant nest in the garden. Don’t hurt an ant. They are my brother and friends."
Jun Lin looked cute with a smile when he said these words, but Shine felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t say where it was.
But the two young masters have spoken, and of course she will do it.
She sent someone into the kitchen to cut a large piece of pork and brought it out. "Is this enough, young master?"
"Too much, too much will crush our nest."
Small ants waving small thin legs roared.
Jun Xuan frowned and looked at Jun Lin, who gently shook his head "too much"
"Too much, less."
Shine came back into the kitchen with a dish, cut off half of the meat and brought it out again. "What about young master?"
"Too much! Too much!"
The little ant continued to roar a way
"It’s still too much," Jun Xuan frowned and asked with some distress. "How much meat do ants usually eat?"
"This ….." Shine was speechless.
Seriously, she didn’t note it either. She doesn’t even know how much ants eat.
Master Linger Cry, can you ask such a difficult question?
"Brother, the little ant said that a little bit is enough. It said that too much would be stale."
Jun Lin whispered to his brother’s ear