
"Uh …" The two gangsters were shocked, and their pupils quickly spread, followed by falling straight to the ground.

"hmm? What’s the matter? " Other gangsters looked at one leng.
"Cause and effect … I didn’t expect Xiao Fan to need thousands of cycles to understand the meaning of cause and effect … but when I really realized it, I found that it was so simple that it would take me thousands of years!" Xiao Fan has long hair and the wind is floating up!
"Mom little d here! You guys kill them and I’ll deal with this little bitch! " The bandit raised his eyebrows, raised his hand in the broadsword and came towards Xiao Fan in an aggressive manner.
"If you want to put an end to the causes planted before several cycles, you must let today bear fruit successfully, otherwise … the causal force will also be exhausted and bound to my method to escape and wait for another cycle …" Xiao Fan frowned and slowly said to himself, "But … I don’t need to go on …"
"None of you want to hurt this woman!" Xiao Fan said, with a wave of his hand, a gust of wind suddenly blew all the people’s eyebrows as if there had been a crack, and slowly emerged from the crack when they went to reincarnation.
More or less, these people have had intercourse with Xiao Fan in the past reincarnation.
Intertangled for generations, the cause and effect are clear at a glance.
In the underworld
Xiao Fan body at this time is still like sitting still, not angry at all.
"How long has it been? He hasn’t come back yet? " Sloppy drunkard frowned and asked
"According to the horizon, he has been in the world of mortals for three thousand years!" Peacock king said lightly, "Don’t worry. If he can’t get out in five hundred years, he will be completely bound by causal forces. He will never break free and wake up forever. It’s only five hundred years ago … it’s still early …"
"Three thousand mortals have three thousand samsaras. If you wake up early, everything will be a dream, which can make it change qualitatively. It is estimated that … he has experienced thousands of samsaras now!"
"A thousand reincarnation?" Sloppy drunkard rub rub "hey hey this is also a very rare experience! What you have learned from past lives is not just about causal perception, is it? "
"That’s natural. He will grow up. After all, not everyone can get the chance of reincarnation for a thousand years, but I can exert HarmonyOS’s mysterious spirit to protect his soul from reincarnation for three thousand times!" Peacock king nods a way
But at this moment, suddenly, Xiao Fanti, who was angry, suddenly leaps a breath of the earth.
Followed by the black and white breath intertwined from Xiao Fan body released several times more earth than before! Which contain a kind of power to control cause and effect!
"What? He … mastered the cause and effect so quickly? " Peacock king and sloppy drunkard suddenly got up and stared at Xiao Fan at the same time.
Three thousand mortals Xiao Fan’s body has been suspended in the middle and those bandits are lying all over the floor!
"Causality … causality …" Xiao Fan looked at his hands and murmured.
Soon he also ignored the shock less dart master two people raise my hand toward the ground those bodies a slight scratch.
Immediately turned pale white luster from all the human body was pulled out and fell into Xiao Fan palm.
"These are the causal forces generated by these people’s reincarnation several times … Now I will obliterate some of these causal forces … and you will no longer have the power to tie me down!"
Said Xiao Fan palm a hold the white light suddenly collapsed.
"No, it’s not enough …" Xiao Fan said, stepping on Bai Yundian again, looking around at the vast land, followed by waving his arms, his hands slightly open, as if the power it sends out instantly enveloped the whole three thousand red earth.
"In the three thousand world of mortals … all the causes and effects left by Xiao Fan’s reincarnation have returned!"
Taking his word, hundreds of millions of white lights flew out of the world of mortals in three thousand and gathered in front of him respectively.
Here, you can vaguely see the fetters caused by Xiao Fan’s reincarnation before the Millennium.
A butcher brandishes a butcher’s knife and kills livestock. Animals are afraid of it than staring at the butcher’s knife. Hunters shoot arrows at themselves. There are also wild animals waiting to ambush and hunt. Sun Shan also has a body to supervise and rewrite the list. There is a general who led the troops to kill the quartet. There is also a tiger who fell to Pingyang and died under siege. There is an emperor who ascended the throne and unified the mountains and rivers. There is a plan to usurp the throne.
Everything is what Xiao Fan has done and experienced in this thousand-year reincarnation.
All these things have turned into results, and because this result has changed again, it keeps going round and round.
However, all these things are broken with the closure of Xiao Fan’s palms, and the little stars are integrated into his soul.
Sitting cross-legged in the underworld Xiao Fan suddenly opened his eyes.
Eyes flashed with unprecedented clarity.
"Wake up!" Peacock king look move "I didn’t think … he succeeded so soon …"
"oh? It turns out that you are also here? " Xiao Fan opened his eyes and saw the same shock. Looking at his sloppy drunkard, he quickly got up and fuels
"Well, I didn’t expect you to succeed so soon. In just two hundred years …" Sloppy drunkard nodded his head.
"In two hundred? Has it been … so long? " Xiao Fan frowned and immediately said to Peacock King, "Lord Peacock, the younger generation has completed the test given by the adults, so … I wonder if the adults should treat the younger generation like this?"
"Very simple!" Peacock King’s look recovered. With a wave of his sleeve, he put away the guqin in front of him and said faintly, "Now that you have successfully passed the test and mastered causality, I can tell you that you will be treated so well instead of being directly taken into the deepest part of the underworld!"
Chapter 372 Identity
"These you already have the qualification to understand! And these also involve a very important thing! "
"What is it?" Xiao Fan couldn’t help frowned.
Yes, Peacock King is absolutely right.
He is the master of the underworld, and he committed heinous crimes and forced himself into the underworld. But he not only dealt with himself strictly according to the law, but also gave himself the opportunity to travel to the world of mortals and experience the causal force through thousands of cycles.
You will have such preferential treatment?
And who the hell is that sloppy drunk? Is it as I guess in my heart?
He has repeatedly appeared to help himself, and this time he is standing side by side with Peacock King. What do you want?
What is the purpose of all this?
"First of all, let me introduce you to this alcoholic who has helped you many times. You don’t know who he is, do you?" Peacock King couldn’t help smiling a little when he saw Xiao Fan’s face at a loss. "Maybe your heart has already guessed what his identity is …"
Xiao Fan listened attentively.
"He is Lord Yan Luowang, who controls the whole ghost world!"
"He is Yan Luowang? Is he really Yan Luowang? " Xiao Fan eyes with a shrink.
For sloppy drunkards, I guessed that Xiao Fan had counted and once guessed that he might be the mysterious than Yan Luowang … However, when this fact was spoken by Peacock King, it really shocked Xiao Fan again!
"hey! Although the dead peacock is always Yan Luowang, it also has a name, okay? " Sloppy drunkard flipped his eyes and the old god was saying, "Yan Luowang is just a professional title. My name is Worrying People. Remember it! I’m telling you now because you have reached the point where you can know something! "
"Worry about … people?" Xiao Fan blinked.
"And this peacock king is called violet!" Worry people continued
"Violet? What a feminine name … "Xiao Fan thought in his heart.
"Well, don’t say that it’s nothing!" Peacock king cleared his throat and said, "Xiao Fan, you are treated specially because there is one thing you can do!" "
"If you can help me finish that, you can easily leave the underworld and you want to save the dead prisoners and take them away at will!"